Improving Biological Hazard Management in order to protect First Responders
New pathogens heighten the risk for future outbreaks. Ebola, MRSA and the Corona virus underline how highly transmissible and resistant viruses can constrain decontamination. They cause large sample sizes, are difficult to disinfect from the surroundings and easily cross borders. First responders and societies thus face new risks. In order to protect them better, thewhole decontamination process is currently being studied in the French-German research project DEFERM.
As part of this project a novel qPCR-detection system is being developed. It will be automated so that it may be used to analyse multiple samples for up to 12 pathogens in parallel and within 45 minutes. The results will allow first-responders to choose their decontamination set-up accordingly. Disinfection steps target resistant and contagious pathogens and are designed to be deployed in a contactless manner. Enriched by an analysis of crisis management in France and Germany, the project is expected to strengthen international cooperation in the face of novel pandemics.
First responders are at the centre of the project. Researchers thus are tailoring their innovations to the first responders’ needs. Additionally, the latter will evaluate the results in field-tests.
The project is funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), Call “Civil Security – Prevention and Rapid Response to Biological Hazards”, 2021 – 2024.
Find out more about the organisations at the heart of DEFERM.
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