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IREM- Institute for Rescue, Emergency and Disaster Management, Technical University Würzburg-Schweinfurt


The focus of IREM is, among other things, on the areas of digitalisation and human-technology interaction in the context of rescue science and health-related civil protection. The research is increasingly shifting its focus to interfaces with AI and the consideration of the needs of vulnerable groups. The integration of structures and experiences of members of authorities and organisations with security tasks is of particular importance at IREM. Since January 2018, the IREM institute has been a founding partner as well as a scientific member and project partner in the consortium of the "Nuremberg Centre for Care Practice", which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as one of four care practice centres (Pflegepraxiszentren, PPZ) and the "Care Innovation Centre" (Pflegeinnovationszentrum , PIZ) in Oldenburg in the "Future of Care" cluster. In addition, IREM has been a project partner in the PeTRA (Person Transfer Robot Assistant) consortium since February 2020 and supports contracted and relevant teaching projects at the university. In March 2021, the research project Digital Dynamic Patient and Position Simulation (D2Puls) started. The aim of the D2PuLs project is to provide a practical and innovative approach for the cross-sectoral training and further education of first responders and leaders in health and disaster management with the help of a scalable, digital simulation environment. This environment is to be developed to train the handling of different situations during mass casualty incidents (MCIs).


• Human-technology interaction in care - PPZ-Nuremberg (BMBF)
• Robotic systems in care - PeTRA (BMBF)
• Securing the supply of blood and blood products – Sanguis (BBK)
• Digitalisation and virtualisation in rescue vehicle and disaster management training - D2PuLs (BMBF)
• Digitalisation of a physiological model - D2PuLs (BMBF)
• Sensitisation of the population in case of blackout (munucipal commissioned research)
• Blackout – Structural and organisational preparation for energy suppliers (contract research)

• Civil protection in the health sector
• Digitalisation in the health sector
• Critical infrastructure and resilience
• Human-technology interaction
• Inter-sectoral care concepts
• Modelling and simulation
• Exercise design, monitoring and evaluation

• Workshops on organisational development and digitalisation
• Simulation-based training
• Certificate courses in disaster management
• Supporting the THWS study programme: Digital Rescue Management (B. Sc.)

The two directors of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Christian Bauer and Prof. Dr. Peter Bradl, are active throughout Germany as elected and appointed members of relevant bodies and committees, as expert advisors and as first responders and managers in the field. Together with the IREM scientists who are active in authorities and organisations with security tasks, they represent the link between research and practice in this field.

Das Bild zeigt das offizielle Logo desIREM IREM

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Sie sind deutsche Anwenderorganisation (polizeiliche Gefahrenabwehr, nicht-polizeiliche Gefahrenabwehr oder Betreiber Kritischer Infrastruktur) und Sie möchten sich auf zukünftige Herausforderungen besser vorbereiten. Forschung schafft die Lösungen für morgen. ForAn hilft Ihnen Ihre zivile Sicherheitsforschung zu professionalisieren oder damit zu starten.

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