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Cologne University of Applied Sciences - Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection


The Cologne University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln) is Germany's largest university for applied sciences. The Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection (IRG) at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences has been actively engaged in research projects in the area of emergency response for several years. In addition to the areas of operational emergency response, preventive emergency response and safety engineering, the IRG has also established a new focus in the area of risk and crisis management in recent years. The institute focuses not only on the impact of hazards, but also increasingly on the vulnerability, resilience, resistance and adaptability of society and infrastructure, as well as the risk governance of institutions. This approach aims to implement a modern and holistic risk and crisis management concept that focuses on the involvement and participation of multiple actors and stakeholders.


Research at the Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection (IRG) is concerned with operational and preventive emergency response and security technology. The IRG conducts research in the following areas:

  • Civil protection
  • Biomedicine and telemedicine
  • Geographic information systems
  • Information and communication
  • Critical infrastructure
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Sensor technology
  • Excercise evalution
  • Knowledge management

Das Bild zeigt das Logo der TH Köln. Logo TH Köln

Informationen zu ForAn

Sie sind deutsche Anwenderorganisation (polizeiliche Gefahrenabwehr, nicht-polizeiliche Gefahrenabwehr oder Betreiber Kritischer Infrastruktur) und Sie möchten sich auf zukünftige Herausforderungen besser vorbereiten. Forschung schafft die Lösungen für morgen. ForAn hilft Ihnen Ihre zivile Sicherheitsforschung zu professionalisieren oder damit zu starten.

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