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Research institutions

Here you will find all members from the research institutions section.

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  • Cologne University of Applied Sciences - Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection

    The Cologne University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln) is Germany's largest university for applied sciences.

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis INT

    The Fraunhofer INT provides scientifically based assessment and consulting capabilities across the entire spectrum of technological advancements. On this basis, the institute enables long-term strategic research and innovation planning.

    The TIP (Technology and Innovation Planning) business area supports public clients in this respect, with a focus on methodological support throughout the entire innovation cycle.

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS

    Fraunhofer FOKUS, based in Berlin, is an institute of the Fraunhofer Society, the largest organisation for application-oriented research in Europe. Fraunhofer FOKUS conducts research into digital networking and its impact on society, business and technology. With approximately 460 employees, Fraunhofer FOKUS is one of the largest ICT institutes of the Fraunhofer Society.

  • Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)

    The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) is a federal scientific and technical authority under the authority of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. It conducts testing, research and advises on the protection of people, the environment and material goods.

    BAM sets and promotes high standards for safety in technology and chemistry for Germany and its global markets.

  • IREM- Institute for Rescue, Emergency and Disaster Management, Technical University Würzburg-Schweinfurt

    The Institute for Rescue, Emergency and Disaster Management - IREM, founded in 2014, is organised as an in-house institute of the Würzburg Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences (THWS) and is affiliated with the Faculty of Economics. The aim of IREM is to transfer interdisciplinary knowledge into usable projects and products as well as training and qualification measures that deal explicitly with contemporary issues from the fields of health and rescue, disaster management and civil protection, i.e. the entire spectrum of health-related civil protection.

  • Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)

    The Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) is the practice-orientated, technical-scientific research institution of the Federal Government in the field of road engineering. It deals with the diverse tasks resulting from the interactions between people, transport, infrastructure and the environment.

  • Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology

    The Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology (IMB) is the scientific centre of competence for medical biological defence of the German Armed Forces. It develops procedures and measures to diagnose, detect and verify a potential attack with biological agents, conducts specialised trainings, and participates in the development of federal and international concepts and strategies.

  • Bundesanstalt für Strahlenschutz (BfS)

    The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is a scientific and technical higher federal authority within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).

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