National Coordination Centre for Cyber Security in Industry, Technology and Research (NKCS) at the BSI
Die Organisation
The NKCS is the national coordination centre for cybersecurity in Germany. Through the NKCS, experts advise interested parties, especially SMEs and start-ups, on the EU funding programmes ‘Digital Europe’ and ‘Horizon Europe’ on behalf of four federal authorities. The funding programmes are intended to strengthen European cybersecurity and competitiveness.
Die Forschung
To improve the coordination of funding programmes in the area of cybersecurity, the European Commission set up the ECCC at European level in 2021 and initiated the establishment of the network of NCCs in each EU member state. At EU level, the two funding programmes ‘Digital Europe’ and ‘Horizon Europe’ are being continuously developed with a focus on cybersecurity and all upcoming calls for proposals are being initiated. Each NCC plays a targeted role in the development of the funding programmes by commenting on and providing feedback on the EU work programmes and establishing a cybersecurity network in the respective country. The aim of the NKCS is to support research and development of cyber security solutions by informing all those interested in funding in Germany about the programmes and their current calls for proposals, advising potential applicants and networking at national and European level.
With a funding volume of 95.5 billion euros for the period from 2021 to 2027, the Horizon Europe funding programme is the world's largest single funding programme for research and innovation and covers a wide range of social issues. The funding measures for cybersecurity are primarily anchored in Cluster 3 ‘Civil Security for Society’. Depending on current developments, findings and the resulting political priorities of the EU, new calls for proposals are published on an ongoing basis. The participation of users is mandatory in most calls for proposals. The ‘Digital Europe’ funding programme complements ‘Horizon Europe’ in that research is to be applied, i.e. the introduction and application of technologies under real conditions is to be promoted. The programme has a total budget of 7.58 billion euros, also for the period from 2021 to 2027.
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