Bayerisches Zentrum für besondere Einsatzlagen (Bavarian Centre for Special Operations)
The BayZBE offers standardised training and advanced training for first responders with a focus on special deployment situations in order to support them in preparing for deployment situations that are related to current geopolitical security situations and that depict deployment situations such as terrorist attacks, mass casualty incidents, etc. in the training. The goal of the training is to learn procedures so that emergency personnel and leaders can recognise hazards, train and develop individual decision-making skills, and learn appropriate reaction patterns to special circumstances in the field. This is achieved using a state-of-the-art simulation facility in which realistic, reproducible and customisable scenarios are run, coupled with a structural evaluation with direct individual/group feedback. The training is tailored to the needs of the Bavarian aid organisations and does not interfere with their training structures. As an operating company of the BRK, the MHD, the JUH and the ASB, the BayZBE is a joint project and is intended to strengthen interdisciplinary/organisational/national cooperation. Flagship project in Bavaria.
In addition to the pillars of maintaining qualifications and expanding competencies through training opportunities, the BayZBE aims to strengthen disaster management in Bavaria. For this purpose, BayZBE provides a competence centre and participates in innovation projects for the further development of disaster management. The knowledge available and generated directly benefits the organisations committed to disaster relief. The BayZBE forms a network between the aid organisations involved in disaster management and establishes a link between them and research facilities, universities and institutes. This enables direct links to practitioners to be created in joint projects, so that technical solutions can be tested and concepts drawn up as a result. For this purpose, capability-based applications of past major incidents are continuously examined and development potentials are identified in cooperation with the organisations. With a number of scientific partners, the BayZBE facilitates an exchange with the aid organisation network, expert consideration and testing of applications directly with the end users – the rescue forces.
Informationen zu ForAn
Sie sind deutsche Anwenderorganisation (polizeiliche Gefahrenabwehr, nicht-polizeiliche Gefahrenabwehr oder Betreiber Kritischer Infrastruktur) und Sie möchten sich auf zukünftige Herausforderungen besser vorbereiten. Forschung schafft die Lösungen für morgen. ForAn hilft Ihnen Ihre zivile Sicherheitsforschung zu professionalisieren oder damit zu starten.
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