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Law enforcement agencies

Here you can find all members from the law enforcement sector.

To the topic

  • Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)

    As the central office of the German police that operates internationally, the BKA carries out investigations, conducts research, develops, analyses and performs tasks in the field of personal protection. Accordingly, the BKA is an important building block in the German security architecture. It rigorously pursues the goals of combating crime and making Germany a safe and secure place to live.

  • Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector (ZITiS)

    ZITiS is the research and development body for cyber-related technical solutions in the area of responsibility of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community. It is tasked with supporting and advising federal authorities with security tasks regarding information technology capabilities. To this end, ZITiS researches and develops methods and tools.

  • Senate Department for the Interior, Digitalisation and Sports

    The Senate Department for the Interior, Digitalisation and Sports is part of the administration of the state of Berlin and, as the highest state authority, is responsible for interior, digitalisation and sports policy in the German capital.

  • State Criminal Police Office Baden-Württemberg (LKA BW)

    The Centre for Security Research (ZfS), located at the State Criminal Police Office Baden-Württemberg (LKA BW), is the central point of contact and coordination for the entire Baden-Württemberg Police (Polizei BW) in the field of security research. As a staff department at the LKA BW, it coordinates the state-wide research needs and connects the Baden-Württemberg Police at national and European level with partners from science, industry and security authorities.

  • State Office of Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony

    The State Office of Criminal Investigation in Lower Saxony (LKA NI), based in Hanover, is the competent, capable and impulse-giving central office for the successful fight against and prevention of crime in Lower Saxony, as well as an essential provider of internal security and a central point of contact in federal-state cooperation. It also considers itself a "service provider" in that it provides advice and support to the regional police stations in Lower Saxony.

  • State Office for Central Police Services (LZPD NRW)

    The State Office of Criminal Investigation in Lower Saxony (LKA NI), based in Hanover, is the competent, capable and impulse-giving central office for the successful fight against and prevention of crime in Lower Saxony, as well as an essential provider of internal security and a central point of contact in federal-state cooperation. It also considers itself a "service provider" in that it provides advice and support to the regional police stations in Lower Saxony.

Information on ForAn

You are a German practitioner (law enforcement agency, non-police emergency response organisation or critical infrastructure operator) and you want to be better prepared for future challenges. Research creates the solutions for tomorrow. ForAn helps you professionalize or start your civil security research.

What you should know!

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