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Das Bild zeigt den Schriftzug Horizont Europe und das Logo der europäischen Kommission. Horizon Europe


The European research and innovation framework program "Horizon Europe" dedicates a separate area (cluster) to civil security research within the second pillar, "Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness". Under the heading "Civil Security for Society," this cluster, with a budget of €1.6 billion over seven years, supports the implementation of EU policy priorities related to crime and terrorism prevention, a disaster-resilient society, border management, cybersecurity and critical infrastructure. As one of the largest financial contributors to European research funding, Germany has a particularly strong interest in developing Germany as a research location. In "Horizon Europe", practitioner play a central role in research projects. In each collaborative research project, three to five practitioner are required as consortium partners in order to ensure practical relevance. Past experience has shown that there is a high need for advice and support among authorities and organisations with security tasks (BOS) due to their lack of experience with the EU Framework Programme. That is why the BMBF has launched the measure "German Applicants in Civil Security Research Fit for Europe" as part of the programme "Innovation Union Europe - German Impulses for the European Economic Area". This measure is intended to ensure that German actors participate even more successfully in European security research and thus enhance civil security at the European level together with international partners. Three measures are to be implemented in the period from 2021 to 2024:

  • A funding guidline that offers profesional assistance to EU research applicants
  • A network of practitioners (ForAn) is intended to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and also serve as a point of contact.
  • The increased visibility of national security research in Europe will be promoted through regular international workshops and tailored more closely to the transnational participation of German actors.

Information on ForAn

You are a German practitioner (law enforcement agency, non-police emergency response organisation or critical infrastructure operator) and you want to be better prepared for future challenges. Research creates the solutions for tomorrow. ForAn helps you professionalize or start your civil security research.

What you should know!

You still have questions about ForAn ? You are a German practitioner and would like to become a ForAn member free of charge? Are you looking for a practitioner for your project?

We look forward to hearing from you.

Learn more : Information on ForAn

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