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Research Projects

This is an introduction into the THW research project world. The THW is in around 20 national and international projects actively in the security research engaged. The topics reach from artificial intelligence, robotik, situational awarness, search and rescue to netwok and projects with special topics such als decontamination. Since many years the THW is engaged in security research. This engagement is based on § 1b of the THW-Gesetzes, that ensures the THW´s possibility to engage in security research. As enduser the THW profits directly from the projects results, newly developed technologies and technical products. Main funders are the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the European Union.


Biological hazards such as MRSA ("hospital germ") and Ebola endanger emergency forces. For their safety, the DEFERM project (decontamination measures after a deliberate or natural release of pathogenic microorganisms) targets biological hazard management.


The German Practitioner Network for Civil Security Research (ForAn) is building a network of research-based German practitioners from the areas of police emergency response, non-police emergency response and KRITIS operators. ForAn supports its members in obtaining European funding from the research and innovation framework program Horizon Europe.


The project focuses on creating a robot system that is capable of safely transporting a payload of up to 120 kilograms through difficult terrain (including gravel, obstacles and inclines).



Do you want to know more about the research projects the THW is engaged in? We are happy to provide you with more information here.

The THWs research in a nut shell.

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