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ForAn network event 2022

As part of the BMBF Innovation Forum "Civil Security" from 02/05/2022 – 05/05/2022 the first in-person ForAn network event took place.

Auf diesem Bild sieht man einen bestuhlten Seminarraum mit einem Redner am Rednerpult stehen, der einen Vortrag hält. Vortrag BayZBE ForAn Netzwerktreffen 2022
Presentation of the BayZBE during the ForAn network event on the eve of the BMBF Innovation Forum 'Civil Security'.

On Monday afternoon, 2nd May, more than 20 participants attended the presentations on the progress achieved by ForAn (THW), Innovative Procurement (KOINNO) and test sites for research projects (BAM, DRZ, BayZBE ). The concluding poster session gave all participants the opportunity to present their projects and to engage in an active exchange with colleagues. The annual meeting was a great networking success and we look forward to hosting more networking and information events for our members in the future.

Auf dem Bild sind vier Poster zu sehen. Eine Frau stellt ihr Poster den darum stehenden Personen vor. Netzwerktreffen Posterssion
The ForAn poster session provided an opportunity for professional exchange and networking. Source: ForAn Source: ForAn

Information on ForAn

You are a German practitioner (law enforcement agency, non-police emergency response organisation or critical infrastructure operator) and you want to be better prepared for future challenges. Research creates the solutions for tomorrow. ForAn helps you professionalize or start your civil security research.

What you should know!

You still have questions about ForAn ? You are a German practitioner and would like to become a ForAn member free of charge? Are you looking for a practitioner for your project?

We look forward to hearing from you.

Learn more : Information on ForAn

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