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ForAn goes online!

We are pleased to present you the ForAn website. On 3/11/2022, approximately 1.5 years after approval of the German Practitioner Network for Civil Security Research (ForAn) by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the project website went online.

This website is the primary source of information about the German Practitioner Network for Civil Security Research (ForAn). In the coming weeks, the website will be continuously filled with the following content.

  • Profiles of the ForAn members
  • ForAn events and workshops, events organised by our members, workshops offered by the National Contact Points and the European Commission on the proposal process
  • News about the ForAn network

Alongside the website, we will also be running a Twitter channel @ForAnNetwork.

Information on ForAn

You are a German practitioner (law enforcement agency, non-police emergency response organisation or critical infrastructure operator) and you want to be better prepared for future challenges. Research creates the solutions for tomorrow. ForAn helps you professionalize or start your civil security research.

What you should know!

You still have questions about ForAn ? You are a German practitioner and would like to become a ForAn member free of charge? Are you looking for a practitioner for your project?

We look forward to hearing from you.

Learn more : Information on ForAn

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