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Interschutz Forum 2022: "Why should authorities and organisations with security tasks conduct research?"

On Tuesday 21/06/2022 the ForAn network had the opportunity to present itself at the Interschutz Forum 2022.

In recent years, authorities and organisations with security tasks have been increasingly challenged, the pressure to adapt to constantly changing operational situations is growing, and with it the pressure to innovate and re-evaluate their areas of responsibility. Security research plays an important role here as a strategic tool for the present as well as for the future. The Research Network of German Practitioners can make an important contribution here. As a research network by practitioners for practitioners, ForAn aims to facilitate access to European research by reducing entry barriers through workshops and information exchange and by promoting communication between authorities and organisations with security tasks.

Das Bild zeigt zwei Personen auf der Interschutzbühne des Interschutzforums die einen Vortrag halten. Vortrag Interschutz Forum 2022
At the Interschutzforum, Dr Alexander Rösner and Dr Christian Illing will give the keynote presentation Why should authorities and organisations with security tasks conduct research?

Information on ForAn

You are a German practitioner (law enforcement agency, non-police emergency response organisation or critical infrastructure operator) and you want to be better prepared for future challenges. Research creates the solutions for tomorrow. ForAn helps you professionalize or start your civil security research.

What you should know!

You still have questions about ForAn ? You are a German practitioner and would like to become a ForAn member free of charge? Are you looking for a practitioner for your project?

We look forward to hearing from you.

Learn more : Information on ForAn


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